It’s May in the Winnebago area, which means everyone’s favorite mother’s day tradition is back: Lake Flies (Chironomids)! These non-biting midges typically hatch around Mother’s Day in late May, though this time frame can shift depending on winter conditions. A second, smaller hatch of lake flies often occurs in late summer.

Lake flies seen around Lake Winnebago are a collection of different midge species, the most numerous likely Chironomus plumosus, also known as the buzzer midge. During the large May hatch, you can easily tell how this species got their common name – there is a low hum from the sheer number of the midges.

Alexsuchy - CC BY-SA 4.0

These flies have wing lengths around 6 mm, and bodies as long as 13 mm. When they emerge to create mating swarms, adults live for only 3 – 11 days. Since they do not have functional mouthparts, they do not bite or even eat! The location and size of swarms are highly dependent on the wind, and are often concentrated on areas that contrast with the background. Females lay masses of eggs on the water surface, which then absorb water and sink to the lake bottom. These eggs hatch shortly after and become midge larvae. The larvae undergo 4 stages, the first of which is free swimming. During the following three stages, the larvae make and live in a tube, collecting food at the bottom of the lake. Then the lake flies emerge in May or late summer and start the cycle over again.

Many species eat lake fly larvae and adults are therefore very important for the food web in Lake Winnebago. In fact, lake fly larvae help support the sturgeon population and contribute to our large self-sustaining lake sturgeon population. Other fish species eat the larvae stages and birds including purple martins and warblers eat the flying adults. Though the large hatching event can be a nuisance for us, they are critical for the food webs of the Winnebago Lakes. Remember, though they can be very annoying, they only last about 2 weeks! Their impact on the rest of the system lasts for much longer.

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at

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Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance

Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance

Katie Reed

The American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) used to be a rare sight in Wisconsin, now these birds, with wingspans up to 9 feet, are frequently spotted in large numbers in the Winnebago System! The American White Pelican has an orange, long, pouched bill (beak) that can grow a protrusions during the breeding season. The tips of their bills have a small hook at the tip. Their necks are long, and their bodies are usually snowy white with black flight feathers. Their legs and feet are orange though younger birds’ can appear more gray-pink and darken with age, and their feet are webbed. Adult pelicans can weigh about 16 pounds, making them one of the heaviest flying bird species.

American White Pelicans are piscivorous, meaning they primarily eat fish. The American White Pelican forages for food mostly in shallow waters in open areas of marshes, lakes, rivers, and ponds but can forage in deeper water. American White Pelicans do not submerge or dive for food. Instead, they dip their bill into the water and scoop up prey into their pouch, then tip their bill above their head to swallow. A typical pelican can reach down to about 3 feet below the surface of the water, and can eat about 3 pounds of fish a day! In Wisconsin, pelicans have been recorded eating common carp, as well as other fish species. They can also eat amphibians like frogs and invertebrates like crayfish. Pelicans sometimes work together to forage for food. A group of pelicans can corral fish into shallow areas or to the center of a U formation or circle to more easily catch prey.

Adult American White Pelicans on Water (National Park Service)

Pelicans at a nesting colony (Winnebago Waterways User Submitted Photo)

Young Pelicans (USDA)

Pelicans start to breed when they reach about 3-6 years old and travel to their breeding colonies in March – May. These colonies are typically on islands. Nests are built on the ground in colonies with other pelicans, as well as other bird species like cormorants and gulls. Usually pelicans lay 2 eggs. The eggs and hatched young are vulnerable to predators like eagles, foxes, and raccoons. Studies show that pelicans can live up to 30 years.

Historically, American White Pelicans were found in Wisconsin but their population sharply declined in the late 1800s – 1900s due to hunting and habitat loss. In the last 20-25 years, their populations have grown tremendously in Wisconsin, prompted likely by loss of breeding grounds in the West but also due to habitat restoration projects and pollution cleanup. In the lower Green Bay area, the number of white pelicans grew from about 250 in 2005 to more than 3,000 in 2021. Protecting their habitat and water quality is important to their continued success in the Winnebago System.

Winnebago Waterways is a Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance recovery initiative. Contact us at

The post Species Spotlight: American White Pelican appeared first on Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance.

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Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance

Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance

Katie Reed