Excerpts from American River’s “Water Justice Toolkit: A Guide to Address Environmental Inequities in Frontline Communities”



When a municipality issues an advisory on elevated lead levels in drinking water, residents are alarmed and looking for answers. Is my water undrinkable? Do I need a filter? Do I buy bottled water?

Freshwater Future partners community groups to make sure residents understand the advisory. Volunteers train neighbors on how to flush their water and install filters. Freshwater Future has even provided grants to pay volunteer stipends, share educational materials, and complete water testing for lead and other metals. And once the results come in, Freshwater Future is there to help analyze the data and communicate to communities and to the Health Department. Alexis Smith, Community Program and Technical Associate explains, “If you’ve ever seen a water analysis, you can imagine how overwhelmed these residents must feel. Environmental chemistry is not my background, so even for me, it was a learning curve. You have to learn the acronyms and the contaminants and what they can do. We translate and communicate what the data is actually saying.”

When it comes to drinking water, says Smith, “zero amount of lead is safe.” Freshwater Future remains engaged until all lead service lines are replaced or tests prove that the water is safe. “The residents tell us how they would like to move forward, and we support them every step of the way,” she says. “Whether that is through strategy for taking actions or funding to support their initiatives.” Freshwater Future offers a great example of how to follow the lead of the community.



Through robust public participation, the Toledo Community Water Council provides oversight and community support to the city of Toledo. The Council’s collective knowledge and insight have been key to developing the city’s water bill assistance program. Reliable access to water is becoming more expensive, and during COVID, water disconnection can have a devastating public health impact. For years, Freshwater Future has been working with the Toledo Community Water Council to address water issues throughout the City.

For residents experiencing water shutoffs due to nonpayment or leaks, this work has become even more urgent during the pandemic. “Utilities are run by engineers; often they don’t think about the social impact of these shutoffs on people working check to check,” says Alexis Smith, Community Program and Technical Associate for Freshwater Future. “When we organize to find solutions, our goal is—turn the water on, keep the water on.” Members of the Toledo Community Water Council organized to respond to rising water rates and the inequity and harm that results when city governments and utilities are not proactive and transparent. Freshwater Future has helped individual residents request assessments to identify water leaks driving up their water bills and file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to understand why water rates continue to increase. They also helped the municipality identify funding for full lead service line replacement in order to lower the cost burden on residents.

To view the  full report by American Rivers:  Water Justice Toolkit: A Guide to Address Environmental Inequities in Frontline Communities

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Blog – Freshwater Future

Blog – Freshwater Future


Ann Baughman

Late last week, like everyone else, we learned that schools were shutting down due to the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, kids would be home, which meant parents would likely need to be home as well and some without access to running water. In order to contain a virus from spreading people need to be able to wash their hands. Freshwater Future staff quickly got to work with partners and started to call and email communities and cities to urge them to restore residential water services and halt future shutoffs until this crisis is over.


We quickly learned some cities like Cincinnati were proactive and understand the need to restore residential services. Other cities like Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Marysville, and Bellefontaine were not so proactive. Freshwater Future worked with the city of Columbus and small municipalities like Marysville, Bellefontaine, and others to put into place moratoriums on future water shut-offs and the restoration of residential water services. In addition, we worked with our partners at Junction Coalition and the Ohio Environmental Council to restore water to residents and halt future shutoffs in Toledo. We knew our partner, the Alliance for the Great Lakes was working with the city of Cleveland to successfully restore residential water services and halt future shutoffs. We also partnered up with the Alliance for the Great Lakes to urge the Governor to call for all utilities across the state to restore residential water services and halt future shutoffs. As a result, the Governor called on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to work with the private water companies to restore residential water services and halt future water shutoffs, which they did on Monday, March 16th. We are now waiting for the Governor’s office to share their legislation they are working on to require all utilities in Ohio to restore residential water services.

Freshwater Future continues to keep its ear to the ground and support communities that are suffering from water issues at this time, from water shutoffs to impacts from partial lead line replacement. We spoke with the Governor’s office and Ohio EPA on Monday about added stress on residents from partial lead line replacements. We urged the Ohio EPA to talk with the utilities to halt all partial lead line replacement at this time. On Monday, March 16th, the Ohio EPA asked all water utilities to halt partial lead line replacement and provide people with filters until this crisis is over. In addition, we reached out to the city of Toledo, who was continuing to move forward with partial lead line replacement and asked them to halt partial lead line replacements.  We encouraged them to work with us and other experts to put together a plan for full lead line replacement. In addition, we asked the city of Toledo to request in the RFP for a report on affordable water rates that full lead line replacement be part of the cost of making the utility financially whole while creating affordable water rates for residents. We were told today they halted the partial lead line replacements and are looking forward to working with us to develop the plan and RFP. It is important to note, Freshwater Future has been supporting the Junction Coalition and other community members in obtaining a seat at the decision-making table to discuss water rates and programs, like emergency assistance and conservation.
Contact Kristy Meyer for more information, kristy at freshwaterfuture.org

Original Article

Blog – Freshwater Future

Blog – Freshwater Future


Ann Baughman